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A collection of fish pictures
Epalzeorhyncus siamesis (Siamese Algae Eater)
Paracheirodon axelrodi (Cardinal tetra)
Acanthophthalmus kuhlii
Botia macracantha ( Clown Loach )
Nematobrycon palmeri
Otocinclus Affinis
Pantodon buchholzi (Butterfly Fish)

Cryptocoryne Echinodorus Schluteri
Otocinclus affinis Otocinclus affinis Tank picture
Otocinclus Affinis Otocinclus Affinis Another tank picture
Tank picture Ancistrus 17 liter tank
Another tank picture Ancistrus A picture of my wifes tank
Nematobrycon palmeri Cryptocoryne Siamese algae eater
Nematobrycon palmeri ( I know it's fat ) Cryptocoryne Epalzeorhyncus siamesis (about 14 cm long)

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